Three Revolutions Per Blog

something about these old covers that i really enjoy. i think it is the illustration of the spears. the type needs to be adjusted because there is so many different types.


A Decade of Revolution, Crane Brinton Harper Torchbooks , New York (1963) – Cover Design by Guy Fleming

Most of the interesting book covers I find arrive via the library’s book return book-bin (which is as dull and dispiriting as it sounds; so dispiriting in fact someone has sellotaped a picture of Sisyphus next to it).

With the book-bin, you often get a rash of books on the same topic (usually thrown through the book return slot with relish or anger because  the student returning them has just finished their essay or dissertation).  Which is why I came across 3 different books about the French Revolution in one fell swoop.

I particularly like the first cover for it’s very deft, graphic styling.  Also strangely enough, it reminds me a bit of the box of Jack Straws I used to play with as a child (which I’m sure is pure…

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